

Politecnico di Milano is a scientific-technological university, which trains engineers, architects and industrial designers. The University has always focused on the quality and innovation of its teaching and research, developing a fruitful relationship with business and productive world by means of experimental research and technological transfer. Research has always been linked to didactics and it is a priority commitment that has allowed Politecnico di Milano to achieve high quality results at an international level in order to join the university to the business world. Research constitutes a parallel path to that formed by cooperation and alliances with the industrial system. Knowing the world in which students will work is a vital requirement for training students. Today the drive to internationalization sees Politecnico di Milano taking part into the European and world network of leading technical universities. As a matter of fact, it offers several courses and many are entirely taught in English. As of 2004, China represents the main country for Politecnico’s internationalization strategy. Today, Chinese students at Politecnico account for the most important international student community at this university. The strategy towards China aims at forging strategic partnerships with important Chinese universities in the fields of didactics and research.

Politecnico di Milano is the Sicab project lead partner. It manages the scientific contents and the teaching activities. Among others, the Sicab training courses of Politecnico di Milano cover the following training topics: energy efficiency, nuclear plants decommissioning, radioactive and conventional waste management, soil and air pollution, green growth, circular economy and innovation.

The Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change is a non-profit research institution established in 2005, with the financial support of the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), the Ministry of Environment and Protection of Land (MATT), the Ministry of Agricultural and Forestry Policies (MIPAF) and the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF). CMCC’s mission is to investigate and model our climate system and its interactions with society to protect the environment, and to develop science-driven adaptation and mitigation policies in the field of climate change. CMCC works with experts, economists, technicians with the final goal of providing thorough analysis on the climate impact on numerous systems (agriculture, ecosystems, coasts, water resources, health, and economy). Further, CMCC organizes specialized courses that provide high-level educational and international training activities, thanks to the collaboration with major European universities, international institutions, qualified professors and speakers of the international scene on climate change.

The Sicab training courses deal with climate change and climate scenarios, adaptation and mitigation policies.

The Italy China Foundation was established in 2003 with the aim of fostering economic, cultural and institutional exchanges between Italy and China, in order to promote and develop targeted initiatives. The Foundation aims at enhancing the exchange of ideas, people, goods, services and capital between the two countries. Specifically, the Foundation is willing to promote Italian companies in China and to support the interests of the Italian entrepreneurship with Italian and Chinese institutions. The Foundation has several founders, among them Ministries, Regions, Confindustria (Italian employers’ federation). It plays a pivotal role in collaboration activities with public and private stakeholders, both on a regional, national and international level. It also works with Universities and research centers, trade associations, Chambers of Commerce to pursue its own strategic institutional objectives, by conceiving and implementing internationalization projects.

Italy China Foundation organizes business meetings and free time activities for Sicab delegations. It also provides translation and interpretation services.

The Fondazione Politecnico di Milano was founded in 2003 through a joint effort between the Politecnico di Milano, major city and regional institutions, and important corporations to support the university’s research projects and contribute to innovating and developing the economic, productive and administrative environment. To attain these goals, Fondazione develops innovation projects for both large companies and small to medium-sized enterprises; European projects that leverage the Politecnico’s renowned skills and extend the network of academic and industrial collaborations outside Italy; eLearing and eCollaboration projects. Fondazione believes it is pivotal to contribute to the economic and social growth and hence it develops social responsibility projects in collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano: on the global scale, it is involved both in strong and emerging countries. Fondazione Politecnico di Milano works closely with various Departments of Politecnico in order to seize funding opportunities, build up national and international networks and participate in various calls, specifically on the following themes: energy, transport; technologies, design, materials, green chemistry; public administration; corporate social responsibility and cooperation for development; support to start-ups.

Fondazione Politecnico di Milano is responsible for the overall Sicab project management. It also defines and implements communication strategies. It builds and maintains relationships with the involved Chinese institutions.

Sapienza is one of the largest universities in Europe with a 700-year history, 112,000 students and 4,000 professors. Sapienza’s educational offer includes approximately 300 graduate courses and 200 master courses. Sapienza is organized around 11 faculties and 63 departments, along with numerous research centers and service centers. The University hosts more than 3,000 internationally mobile students. Thanks to the vast network of collaboration across the world, Sapienza provides a vast range of international opportunities to students. Some of the most relevant agreements with Chinese Universities are those with the Beijing Normal University, Jilin University and the Renmin University of China.

The Sicab training courses of Sapienza University of Rome, and in particular its Department of Civil, Constructional and Environmental Engineering (DICEA), cover the topics of water pollution and waste management.

Partners for direct collaborations

MIP was founded in 1979 as a Consortium between Politecnico di Milano, many Italian institutions, and several leading industrial companies. It combines the academic knowledge with the concreteness of and professionalism of the industrial and service environment. MIP, together with the Department for Engineering and Management, is part of the School of Management of Politecnico di Milano which promotes research and training activities in the fields of management, economics and industrial engineering. As of 2013, MIP is a founding member of Alliance of Chinese and European Business Schools, a network of 20 Business Schools and prominent universities in Europe and in China.

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is the only business organization recognized by both the Italian Government (Ministry of Economic Development, MiSE) and Chinese Government (Ministry of Civil Affairs, MoCA) that aims to boost the internationalization and localization of Italian business and to promote the “Made in Italy” in China.

Poliedra was established in 1992 within the MIP consortium, as a Research Center for Environmental and Territorial Economics and Management. Today Poliedra provides technical assistance and consulting services, and carries out applied research and training activities with a strong interdisciplinary approach. Its priorities are the promotion of sustainability and participation in decision-making processes affecting environment, mobility of people and goods, promotion of natural and cultural heritage. Poliedra’s main activities include collaboration with national, regional and local public institutions, with universities and research centres, as well as with private companies; high-level training on interdisciplinary topics in the field of environmental sustainability; participation in EU funded projects; participation in networks in the fields of sustainability, mobility, green economy and smart cities & communities; scientific publications.